“Life is what you make it”


That's the title of a book I've never read, my mobile phone wallpaper since I don't know when and an attempt to start my first ever blogpost with a quote to make myself sound fancy and look like I have life all figured out, although I can assure you, I don't – at least most of the time. Still, I do believe that life really is what you make it. Of course, what happens to us in life is important, but how we react to it and how quickly we bounce back on our feet is, in my eyes, what actually defines us. In the end, it's always up to us to put in the work and make our life whatever way we want it to. That's what I'm trying to live by every day.

That deep philosophical intro aside, I guess I'm probably your average girl next door - at least at first glance. I currently sit in front of my laptop all day long, occasionally stare out of the window (should probably stop that and focus), repeatedly powernap and make adventurous trips to the kitchen more often than I'd like. However, if you have a closer look at my window at 2 am, you might still see the lights burning bright and me internally freaking out about how to memorize all oxidative phosphorylation steps aka how our cells breathe (cool thing, but I really wish they chose an easier way to do so). I love to #run through the city at midnight and #hike up the Üetliberg at sunrise, #swim across the lake, #camp in Switzerland’s wilderness, #cook the latest plant-based recipes and sign up for random events 5 mins before the deadline because what is there to lose. So it seems like I’m probably not so average after all - but who is?

Now as much as I'm passionate about all my outdoor hobbies, I'm also a very driven and ambitious person and find great joy in studying all the complexities of #foodscience. While this indeed does involve me learning about all sorts of vegetables and performing spaghetti experiments in a huge lab-kitchen, it actually covers a much broader range of topics including fluid dynamics of a chocolate mousse (yes, it's really physics that makes food look and taste great after all), bioengineering of bacteria to produce vanillin or assessment and treatment of nutritional deficiencies in developing countries. Super interesting!

Still, during the past two years, my favourite way to spend my time has become the hours I get to immerse myself in the ever amazing world of Gravity9. While I discovered the love for #singing already at a young age, a musical theatre workshop abroad sparked my interest in #acting and #dancing as well. Looking to build up these skills, I came across Gravity9 and haven’t left since. The instant energy you feel when you enter the room, the inspirational atmosphere that surrounds you and the warm and beaming smiles that welcome you, is something I’ve never experienced before. Not only have I found a place where I can learn, grow and get to seriously improve my artistic skills, but I have finally found a place where I feel like I truly belong. I’ve gained teachers, mentors and friends all at once - people who help, listen and continuously challenge me to be the best version of myself. Through musical theatre I’m learning how to ground myself in my body, connect with my breath, understand and play with my emotions, and how to slow down and simply just be in the moment - valuable skills I can apply way beyond the stage. 

I’m thus super excited to spread the #magic of Gravity9 on this blog by sharing my stories about its wonderful people and the many adventures I get to experience with them - hopefully making you want to join our amazing ride through life as well.

Natalie Kallay

ETH food sience student, musical theatre enthusiast


“Fight or Flight?” – Der Schritt ins Rampenlicht


“Ein Fisch im Wasser, weiss vom Wasser nichts”